Saturday, August 15, 2009

District 9

The trailer for 'District 9' does not do justice for the 112 minutes that follow when you experience this real treat of a film. Surprise hit of the summer are the words at the edge of my tongue to describe this. However, for me, this is one of the biggest understatements I could possibly make. Maybe I'm in the mindset of a teenage girl who thinks she has found true love with her first high school boyfriend. Blissfully ignorant, I remain despite this niggling feeling I have. I'm willing to say that this is one of the best films I have seen in years and a front runner for best of the year. A big call but all is just for this movie. 'District 9' really is one of the most complete packages to be released on the big screen.

Peter Jackson's name spread across the advertisements would have been the major selling point as Neill Blomkamp is hardly a household name. That has now definitely changed, what a way to hit the mainstream market. 2008 had a substantial roster of action blockbusters that were actually good where as 2009 has been somewhat of a drought. It is a pleasure to see that after this years batch of blockbusters making us feeling a bit cheated, we have been given a movie that did not just deliver in action but also made you think. Sure, it has all the flashy lights and gadgets that will impress any man and his dog, but there is a story here that deserves to be paid attention to. This movie should be made an example of how to make a good sci-fi flick.

You're probably wondering what this movie is even about. Well by whatever time you're reading this you have either already seen it or you haven't. If you're in the latter of the categories then know now, I'm not going to tell you as you should already be buying your ticket, renting it or downloading it. By whatever method you go about watching movies, I don't really care as long as you watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing film, very impressive.
    Wikus = Coolest name.
    very well done article.
    exceptional and outstanding
